Friday, 6 March 2009


Here is our finished opening sequence for a teenage romantic comedy!


Editing and soundtrack

During our editing process we experimented with many ideas. First of all we had to make sure we had all the footage in the correct order to make sure it had a flowing and easy following mini storyline in the opening sequence. We then cut unnecessary footage from these clips which were not needed. We then played around with speed levels to make a slow motion and double speed. We did this by decreasing the time from 100 to 50 and then increasing the time from 100 - 300. We used this for making the bump between the 2 main characters to show love at first sight and to stand out as it is an important introduction to whats going to happen with the characters. This is a classic convention used in teenage romantic comedy films. We also experimented with fades on the titles and clips to make it more professional and sound levels to make sure the background noise on clips was minimal with the dialogue sounds increased to make sure the audience can hear it properly. We did this by moving the sound bars up and down to make sure we had the appropriate level. This took a lot of time but we feel we have done this well.

Lee, Claire and Tom did alot of the editing but with contribution for ideas by everyone in the group. We all contributed and created our soundtrack.

Our soundtrack was produced in Garage band. We used acoustic guitar, drum kit and clavinet. These instruments are popular for teenagers and used in many of these genre films. We have made a simple beat with a cheesy clavinet bouncy rhythm to portray a getting ready for school and happy feeling for the audience. We did feel the sounds are restricted to make a professional backing track so we have added a song by the doors called hello i love you because the lyrics, strangely, basically perfectly depict the higher class of Felicity and the un-importance of Zach and how a romance would become of it all. 'Hello i love you wont you tell me your name?' and 'She holds her head up high, like a statue in the sky'. We feel very happy with our edit and soundtrack.


Tuesday, 3 March 2009


From our animatic we have changed the idea of having the polaroid pictures. This idea was going to be polariod pictures (well known and regularly used nowadays) relating to the main characters, Zach and Felicity. This was going to have a voice over with it to introduce and explain themselves to the audience. For example, picture of a lipstick would be related to Felicity to show her always applying make up to look good for college. We decided not to do this as it would ruin the pace of the opening and not fit in with the other footage in our film opening. Instead the main characters are introduced to Zach on the phone to his mum, checking he has his packed lunch etc and Felicity telling her younger brother to keep well out of her way in college. This still introduces the character types in the film and leaves questions to the audience about what will happen between them throughout the film.

Also, we have found some problems with the footage we flimed when editing it. These problmes maybe wrong camera angles or not leaving enough footage after the shot has been taken which we can work around with to make sure there are no continuity errors, which we have in our opening. We are re-shoot 3 shots, which is the bumping in toghether and Zach staring at Felicitys breasts becuase of contunuity problems. Re-shooting this means we have a more proffessional film opening. This will not effect our deadline beucase we are well planned and very nearly edited.
